Nick and Laura show how to survive a Grizzly Bear attack.
In this exciting episode we?ll find out the reasons why tree stand accidents happen and how we can prevent them. Cool science mixed with dynamic experiments send our hosts, our stunt team and our special crash test dummies plummeting to the ground.
Laura and Nick travel to a state-of-the-art Direct Effects Lightning Test Lab. With some ?explosive? experiments, they?ll determine the power lightning and how it behaves? And they?ll find out how can hunters and fishermen best protect themselves?
Nick and Laura experience Nature?s fury through storm amazing generating gear that simulates terrible hurricanes, ice cold winds and even tornados. For these experiments they?ll use remarkable technology that creates massive storms on Hollywood sets.
Nick and Laura head deep into the mountains to explore survival techniques that go far beyond anything they?ve learned before. Our courageous hosts subject themselves to intense survival training with the Survival Training School of California.
Nick and Laura put their bodies on the line and push their ATVs to the limit.
In addition to marksmanship and long range shooting, military snipers are trained in a variety of skills: detection, stalking, camouflage, infiltration, special reconnaissance and target acquisition. Bottom line, there?s a ton of cool shooting and science for Nick and Laura to explore!