
This comedy series is created by Fred Armisen, Carrie Brownstein and Jonathan Krisel. Each episode's character-based sketches draw viewers into Portlandia, the creators' dreamy and absurd rendering of Portland, Ore.
Riot Spray
S8 E1

Spyke gets his old band back together; podcasters investigate a police station; Candace brings Toni to her childhood summer home; Brendan and Michelle consider buying a van.

Shared Workspace
S8 E2

Toni and Candace get involved in healthcare; Peter and Nance deal with a sushi situation; Kathleen becomes the first female partner at her firm; a single guy interrupts a couples' dinner.

No Thank You
S8 E3

Fred and Carrie help Rachel navigate dating apps; Kathleen and Dave take on an escape room; Doug gives his friends benefit fatigue; Andy and Drew swear off women; Joey tries therapy.

S8 E4

Nina and Lance tell how they met; Peter and Nance look forward to breakfast; a couple uses distraction cancelling glasses; Malcolm and Kris get involved at a community meeting.

You Do You
S8 E6

Sandra discovers she can have it all; Jamie's co-workers help her get over a cold; Fred and Carrie prepare for a natural disaster; Kathleen and Dave learn how to take photo booth pictures.

Most Pro City
S8 E7

The Mayor sets out to prove Portland's diversity; text message drama unfolds during a business meeting; activists on a hunger strike take a cheat day; drivers communicate via hand signals.

Peter Follows P!nk
S8 E8

Peter and Nance interact with celebrities on social media; Fred gives Carrie a rock n' roll remodel; James rides his bike to work; Gil and George say hello to Toni and Candace.

Long Way Back
S8 E9

The Weirdos lose their favorite trash can, which takes an unexpected journey throughout the city; Malcolm and Kris visit their pediatrician; Peter and Nance wonder why they've never been hacked; Fred and Carrie just give up.

Rose Route
S8 E10

The Mayor cuts deals all over town to secure the perfect route for the Portland Marathon; Fred and Carrie decide to run to break their addiction to news alerts; Candace's house guest Dolly quickly becomes her new best friend.

Carrie Dates a Hunk
S7 E2

Fred doesn't dig Carrie's beau; Drew and Andy ask about men; Melanie and Lars buy a rug.

Fred's Cell Phone Company
S7 E3

Fred starts a business; Kate and Sam learn the perils of long distance love; Drew and Andy plan a funeral; Nina gives Lance a massage chair.

S7 E5

Fred has a marriage arranged; a school hires a bully to teach children grit; a man keeps commenting "Beautiful" on social media posts.

Friend Replacement
S7 E6

Carrie looks for a new friend; Jill tries a radical diet; Drew and Andy host a film festival; Ghavin opens an elaborate box set.

Portland Secedes
S7 E7

Fred and Carrie help Portland secede; the eco-terrorists receive an award for Best Protest; Dave and Kath leave notes on cars.

S7 E8

Nina and Lance deal with an ant infestation; the mayor tries to break a world record; Time Tailors evaluate a man's schedule.

Passenger Rating
S7 E9

Carrie tries to improve her passenger rating; an actor teaches a boss how to fire employees; the National Small Talk Convention takes place.

Misunderstood Miracles
S7 E10

Sandra teaches a pit bull self-control; Fred and Carrie attempt protesting for cyclist rights; Lisa and Bryce sell instant garbage; a couple explains alcohol to their adult son; Fred discovers models.

S6 E1

The Flaming Lips headline Portland's Pickathon Music Festival; Brendan and Michelle attend the festival via drone.

Going Gray
S6 E2

Fred wakes up with gray hair and sets out on a journey to figure out how old he is; the Mayor reminds Carrie about an arrangement they made.

S6 E3

Fred wants to do something big with his life so he moves to Austin; Carrie experiences motherhood.

Weirdo Beach
S6 E4

The Weirdos decide to go to the beach but issues arise when their hearse breaks down; an office worker is annoyed because his co-workers want to use his new charger.

Breaking Up
S6 E5

Claire has had enough of Doug's behavior and breaks up with him; Claire and Doug date new people and discover surprising things about themselves.

Family Emergency
S6 E7

Louis C.K. cancels a show in Portland due to a family emergency; Fred and Carrie are asked to judge a plume contest.

First Feminist City
S6 E8

Portland is declared the most feminist city in the country and Toni and Candace try to deal with all of the attention; the town opens a Femi-Mart.

Lance Is Smart
S6 E9

Lance joins an intellectual crowd; Nina hires a tutor to help her win over Lance's new friends.

Noodle Monster
S6 E10

A tsukemen ramen monster is on the loose in Portland; the mayor convinces Fred and Carrie to help impress a major brand visiting Portland.

The Story of Toni and Candace
S5 E1

The origin of the feminist bookstore; a merger between two corporate book retailers pits Toni and Candace against one another in fierce competition to be head of the Chick Lit Department.

S5 E2

Lance and Nina feel pressure when Lance's mom and her new boyfriend visit.

S5 E3

Medical solutions are sought when a series of health ailments occurs.

4th of July
S5 E5

Kath and Dave decide to host an unforgettable 4th of July barbecue; the Mayor searches the deep Web for some very special fireworks.

S5 E6

Quinn is recruited at Portland's Dollar Store as the face for their rebranding campaign; Spyke faces trial for making unlicensed Bart Simpson merchandise.

Doug Becomes a Feminist
S5 E7

Doug discovers that he is a male feminist; Sandra takes a rideshare for the first time.

House for Sale
S5 E8

Fred and Carrie's landlord moves into their house; Kath and Dave decide to buy a new home for their next renovation project.

You Can Call Me Al
S5 E9

Kath and Dave get a little frantic when they need to rehearse for a karaoke party.

Dead Pets
S5 E10

Police start profiling people that are considered odd after arsonists burn down a taxidermy shop.

Sharing Finances
S4 E1

A young woman is haunted by very smart ghosts; Doug and Claire make a big commitment to one another; Kath and Dave make the most of fifteen minutes; Sandra finally finds a soul mate; Fred is visited by a Date Fact Checker.

S4 E2

Ecoterrorists protest animal testing at a makeup company; Bryce and Lisa Rent it Out!; Toni and Candace have a car wash; Fred misses hip hop; Dave helps Kath get a good night's sleep.

S4 E3

A celery salesman goes to great lengths to have celery become more popular; 911 dispatchers assure callers that it's beets; The Order Grill is open for lunch; Carrie declares social bankruptcy; a fed up office worker wants to become a gutter punk.

Pull-Out King
S4 E4

A punk from the 1980s wakes up from a coma; an e-mail goes neglected; Nina has surprising news for Lance; Malcolm and Kris tailgate a "Prairie Home Companion" live show; Carrie dates a tax lawyer.

Spyke Drives
S4 E5

Nance is driven to the emergency room; Ghavin questions a singer; Fred and Carrie have a garage sale; dinner guests are held hostage.

Bahama Knights
S4 E6

Carrie and Fred go home after a concert; Fred has an idea for a music documentary; Peter is reunited with his old band, The Bahama Knights and his ex-wife who is the lead singer.

S4 E7

Toni and Candace coach a dance team; Kickstarter videos compete at a Film Festival; Toni and Candace coach the Portland Trail Blazers' dance team.

Late in Life Drug Use
S4 E8

Mr. Mayor plans a parade; Brendan decides to try drugs; Carrie's brother visits with his new boyfriend.

Getting Away
S4 E10

Toni and Candace lead a feminist retreat for women in New Beaverton, Ohio; Peter and Nance go on a walking tour.

Winter in Portlandia
S3 E1

It's wintertime in Portlandia and Peter and Nance struggle to keep off winter weight by cutting pasta from their diets; Candace's son visits Women and Women First bookstore for the holidays; a couple tries to keep their food cart in business.

Take Back MTV
S3 E2

Spyke and Iris join forces with a gang of former MTV stars to take back MTV from the Tweens; a group of frustrated college grads stage a protest on the dance floor; Sandra has a crush on a mysterious man in her meditation class.

S3 E3

The Mayor sends Fred and Carrie on a door-to-door mission to Seattle to recruit new citizens for Portland; pedicab driver hustles for clients; Peter and Nance prepare for the opening of their Bed and Breakfast with a visit to The Doily Shoppe.

S3 E5

Concerned parents Brendan and Michelle start a band that makes kids music; The Portland Nerd Council issues a Public Service Announcement; Malcom and Kris have an uncomfortable lunch at a vegan restaurant. The Feminist Bookstore hosts a comedy night.

Off the Grid
S3 E6

Following an environmental scandal, The Mayor steps down from office and moves off the grid; a dolphin discovers that plastic bags have been banned in Portland; musicians compete in a Battle of the Gentle Bands.

The Temp
S3 E7

A temp worker hopes to turn her stint as Interim Mayor of Portland into a full-time job with Fred and Carrie's help; a wedding is interrupted; local baristas draft a coffee shop manifesto; Kath and Dave struggle to find a table at a restaurant.

Soft Opening
S3 E8

Peter and Nance practice hosting friends at the soft opening of their bed and breakfast; a magazine features a local furniture maker in their Man Issue; steampunks attend a convention; Fred takes a love interest on a bold third date.

S3 E9

The City of Portland is overrun with art projects; Fred and Carrie's relationship is complicated by their roommate Alexandra; a movie theater sells artisanal concessions. Kath and Dave are concerned about the coyotes in their neighborhood.

S3 E10

The Rats decide to move out of their newly-gentrified neighborhood; first-time parents read various child-rearing books; Gahvin and his girlfriend go to the movies; Carrie and Alexandra have dinner at a communal table.

S3 E11

Electricity is shut off for the entire city as a result of unpaid bills at the Mayor's office; Peter and Nance have a mysterious guest at their bed and breakfast.

S2 E1

Fred and Carrie decide to venture outside of Portland and along the way they learn about the special art of love.

One Moore Episode
S2 E2

Fred and Carrie become obsessed with "Battlestar Galactica" and try to get the cast to make a new episode; Allergy Pride Parade; Artisan Knot Shop.

Cool Wedding
S2 E3

Spyke and Irys want an unconventional wedding; Toni and Candace have a book signing; dropped iPhone; no bag at the supermarket.

S2 E4

Brendan and Michelle try to get their son into a prestigious preschool; Keith and Dave take their rescued dog to a dog park.

Cops Redesign
S2 E5

The mayor of Portland asks Fred and Carrie for their help to give the police force a much-needed makeover.

Cat Nap
S2 E6

After achieving success by including their cat in their band, "Cat Nap" is kidnapped by an obsessed fan.

S2 E7

Peter and Nance try to spice things up in their love life after someone calls Peter an old man; moving a harp.

Feminist Bookstore 10th Anniversary
S2 E8

A 10th anniversary party is thrown for Toni and Candace at the Feminist Bookstore but a surprise guest shows up with her boyfriend.

Brunch Village
S2 E10

Peter, Nance, Fred, Carrie, the Mayor and most of the city of Portland find a new brunch spot which annoys Toni and Candace.

S1 E1

Peter and Nance go to great lengths to make sure that their restaurant order is ethical and humane; restroom policy.

A Song for Portland
S1 E2

Fred and Carrie meet the Mayor of Portland; Toni and Candace help a student at the Feminist Bookstore.

S1 E3

Fred and Carrie discover that their maid is is their favorite singer-songwriter Aimee Mann; Spike decides it's over; Coffee Land.

S1 E5

A new music and film festival takes over Portland and Fred, Carrie and all of Portland gets swept up in the excitement.

S1 E6

The Mayor turns to Fred and Carrie to help him put together a big league baseball team; an artisinal light bulb maker.