Australia's Most Dangerous

Exploring the resilient and deadly animals that call Australia home.
Perilous Waters
S1 E1

Dangerous animals lurk beneath the water's surface.

Speed Demons
S1 E2

The miniscule itchy grub, the unique platypus and the mammoth water buffalo each bring pain.

Deadly Beasts
S1 E3

From urban swooping to ocean swimming to the outback bounding and even the extinct, one must expect the unexpected from this dangerous bunch.

First Blood
S1 E4

Danger lurks all around as animals draw blood by biting, stinging and tearing.

The Ancient Killer
S1 E5

From the tiniest to the slimiest, these animals all pack a potent punch; getting up close and personal is a dangerous game to play.

Fear and Loathing
S1 E7

Burrowing creepy crawlies; tusked feral boars; the gnashing jaws of the greatest underwater threat.

What Lurks in the Grass
S1 E8

With more beasts to come all vying for the chance to make the grade, a family of venomous reptiles looks sure to slither its way to the top.

Deadly Bites
S1 E9

Dangerous animal bites from the jaws of an ancient beast, the fangs of a rare reptile, and the poisonous spines at the end of a fishing line.

Dangers Unknown
S1 E10

From a bite in a tail to a bite of the jaws, only the lucky survive an encounter with these deadly beasts.

Hostile Beasts
S1 E11

The "state of play" holds tight for the playful sea lion, toxic stonefish and furry fruit bat.

Sudden Death
S1 E12

A mixed bag of dangerous animals with tearing talons, razor-sharp teeth, piercing fangs and toxic tentacles.