An 8-year war of independence followed by intense political debate produces a government by and for the people.
New territory brings about old confrontations; a decision on slavery is made; the presidency is used to restore the Union.
Several presidents in a row lack vision for the future, and the office loses impact.
The chasm between the rich and the poor grows at the beginning of the 20th century; a president fights for the common man against Congress and big industry.
After the first global war ends, the economy begins to boom; America crashes into depression; Word War II begins.
At the end of the devastating second global war, America emerges as a superpower; the Cold War presents the nation with the threat of nuclear annihilation; the struggle against the spread of communism abroad; the effects of inequality at home.
The power of the presidency rises and falls; the Cold War ends; global terror networks rise to presenting a complicated threat; the power of the office grows substantially.