Mankind: The Story of All of Us

A look at how the human race has survived throughout the ages.
Iron Men
S1 E2

With the discovery of iron, ordinary folk gain the power to overthrow tyrants.

S1 E3

Jesus of Nazareth is crucified in the city of Jerusalem; Europe enters a dark age when Rome is sacked by barbarians.

S1 E4

Europe enters a dark age when Rome is sacked by barbarians and two new forces remake the world.

S1 E5

Genghis Khan creates a mighty empire; the Plague wreaks havoc; gold from Africa; guns in China.

New World
S1 E7

The Aztecs build a mighty empire that dominates Central America; Constantinople is overrun by an Islamic army; the Spanish open up the largest silver mine in the world; the Pilgrims come to the New World.

S1 E8

The Spanish open up the largest silver mine in the world; the Pilgrims come to the New World looking for freedom.

New Frontiers
S1 E11

The end of the Civil War allows Mankind to go into overdrive; mankind takes on godlike powers to feed billions of people.