
The adventures of a Blue Heeler puppy, Bluey, who lives with her mother, father and sister; her energy and lovable spirit gets her into all kinds of funny and unpredictable situations.
S3 E48

A compilation of the best beach stories.

Barky Boats
S2 E31

Bluey and Mackenzie are excited to spend time with their two buddies Mia and Captain; when the older kids run off to play together without them, Calypso explains that growing up can be hard.

Swim School
S2 E34

Mom, Dad, and Bingo must complete both their classes to pass swim school, but pleasing strict Big Fish instructor Margaret (aka Bluey) is proving to be very difficult.

S2 E35

In the park, Bluey meets a new playmate named Winnie, but when Bluey wants to invite her and her dad home for breakfast, she learns that adults take a little bit longer to make friends.

S2 E36

Bluey gets upset when she overhears her parents arguing over a trivial matter; Bluey learns that bickering is healthy.

Bad Mood
S2 E40

Bingo is playing Bad Mood with Dad, standing on his feet as Dad stomps around the house, controlling everything Bingo does and causing chaos.

Bin Night
S2 E42

Bluey, Bingo and Dad always take out the bins.

Muffin Cone
S2 E43

When Muffin can't stop sucking her thumb, she has to wear a cone of shame; the cone gets in her way and she can no longer play sandwich shop with Bluey and Bingo.

Duck Cake
S2 E44

Bluey wants to help Dad make Bingo's birthday cake, but first she must put away her toys; nothing can tempt her to clean up, until Dad drops the cake.

Ice Cream
S2 E47

Bluey and Bingo want a lick of each other's ice cream, but they are so focused on making sure each lick is fair, they don't notice their ice creams are melting.

Outdoor Adventures
S2 E52

Watch a selection of Bluey's best outdoor adventure stories!

In the Garden
S2 E53

Watch a selection of Bluey's best garden stories!

School Friends
S2 E54

Bluey has fun and plays various games with her school friends.

Let's Dance
S2 E97

Bluey dances in a special compilation of episodes; there's heaps of fun to be had.

Family Fun Together
S1 E52

Having heaps of fun with Bluey's family.