Following a devastating fire, a community rebuilds a beloved café from the ashes, using a team of craftsmen, artisans and a pre-Civil War era Maryland barn as its timber-framed heart and soul.
Three abandoned grain silos from the windswept plains of South Dakota are disassembled and rebuilt as rustic and charming guest cottages on a 200-acre ranch in the picturesque landscape of Greycliff, Montana.
An 1840s German bank barn from Ohio is carefully taken down and rebuilt halfway across the country in Washington State as a rustic and scenic hang out spot on a beautiful piece of property.
A 1906 timber-framed blacksmith barn from Spoke Hollow, Vt., is taken down and rebuilt as a blacksmith barn in the small town of Middletown Springs.
A massive 19th century timber framed Ohio barn is taken down and rebuilt outside of Houston, Texas, as a one-of-a-kind wedding venue.
A corn crib from the 1800s slated for the wrecking ball is saved and rebuilt as a charming and rustic timber-framed house just outside of Hamilton, Ohio.
A timber-framed Ohio barn from the 19th century is dismantled and rebuilt as a home addition in the small town of Shelby, Ohio.
Four historic wagons used as living quarters by sheepherders in the 19th and early 20th centuries are rescued from a junkyard and carefully restored as cozy overnight camping stays on a 200-acre ranch in the rugged Montana landscape.
A cottage built in 1871 by a formerly enslaved family is restored as a historic home in Charleston, South Carolina.
A small house built in 1871 by a formerly enslaved family, known commonly in the area as Freedman's Cottage, is restored as a single-family home in Charleston, South Carolina.
Clint visits Akron, Ohio, to help restore an 1884 mansion built during the heyday of the city's industrial might, exploring other structures and the history of the city in the process.
The historic Sandusky State Theater in Ohio gets restored to its former glory after a massive Lake Erie storm destroyed a significant portion of its building and stage.
An early 1800s timber-framed barn, part of a rare still-intact early Ohio homestead, is taken down and rebuilt as a timber-framed guest house.
A one-hundred year old barn is moved to Greycliff, Mont.
A dairy barn from upstate New York is turned into a custom home in Texas.
A summer barn in Vermont is restored for a new generation.
A barn on the historic Firestone barn is transformed into an event venue.
Clint travels to the state of Maine to check out the strange Desert of Maine, where an 18th century New England Cape Cod house is rebuilt as a visitors center to welcome curious guests.
Clint helps restore a corn crib cabin from the 1800s outside the small town of Middletown Springs in the Montpelier region of Vermont; he transforms the property into a guest cottage in a fern-covered meadow.
Clint remodels a neglected Idaho train depot into a vacation rental space.
Clint coverts a 1790 Dutch home from New York into a cider mill in Texas.
Clint converts a 200-year-old barn into a vacation home in remote Idaho.
Clint reconstructs a threshing barn into a grist mill for a Vermont bakery.
Clint turns a 110-year-old Idaho farmstead into a vacation destination.
Clint turns a rare Dutch barn in New York into a beautiful custom home.
A century-old train car that served the timber industry in northern Idaho is rescued from a barn and brought back to life as a guest house on a pristine stretch of mountainous property.
Clint heads to a Montana ranch to see how a 270-year-old Dutch barn from Upstate New York, which survived British raids during the Revolutionary War, is rebuilt into a working, 18th-century grist mill.
Clint pitches in as a log cabin built in 1849 by German Saxon immigrants is taken down and restored as a charming bed and breakfast in the historic town of Ste. Genevieve, Missouri.
Clint transforms a timber frame barn from Carlisle, N.Y., into a boathouse on the Brazos River in Waco, Texas.
Clint gets his hands dirty taking on a pre-Civil War barn from Northern Ohio that's carefully deconstructed, moved and rebuilt to create a stunning custom home in a lakeside community.
A 1700s home in Connecticut that once belonged to Revolutionary War soldier Augustus Peck is carefully dismantled with help from Clint and turned into a stunning vacation retreat in Idaho.
Clint helps tackle a 1700s barn from Galway, New York as it's disassembled, transported and rebuilt as a vintage woodworking workshop and classroom in the beautiful Vermont countryside.
Clint chips in to carefully restore a derelict Utica, Ohio, grain mill from 1950 into an upscale wedding and lodging venue.
Clint dismantles, transports and reconstructs an 1870 log cabin built in the Ohio River town of Sardis into a gorgeous bedroom suite in the small Southern town of Dublin, Georgia.
A pre-Revolutionary War stone inn is rebuilt into a beautiful Texas home.